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This story begins as most do with an emotional roller coaster of sadness, helplessness and a deep compassion when it comes to addiction. It has become all too familiar hearing stories through parents like myself that for years had a child battling addiction. Always waiting for a that dreaded phone call you never want to receive. Remembering all the countless times of texting, calling and praying that your child is still alive. Just waiting to hear their voice again. The reason this particular story affects me more than most, is it about my daughter and her struggle with addiction, both physically and emotionally. She kept the turmoil she felt within herself hidden from others for years. Especially the people that were closest to her.
She had seen many of her friends over the years pass away due to addiction. She had gone to many memorial services of people she had grown up with, who got caught up in their struggle with addiction as well. She always told me, Mom I never meant to hurt you or make you sad, I Love You but this destructive habit will be a constant battle to overcome.
She truly thought it was one battle she was not going to lose, like the so many other people she had known.
My daughter was one of most loving caring people I had ever known. She had a way of being strong for all the people in her life and always tried to help them through their struggles. She was always there for anyone that needed her even though she lived in turmoil emotionally within herself.
Years went by she remained free of addiction, yet at times still struggling to find that inner peace within herself. The pain she felt as she continued seeing all the people she had known from her childhood lose their lives due to addiction, continued to play a role in her recovery.
And on that one morning at 7am I too received that dreaded phone call and she had lost her battle as well. One of the most precious gifts in life my beautiful child had been taken away due to addiction. I do however find some comfort when thinking of her in saying “When I feel too weak to carry on for myself, I will do it for you I just hope you hear when me I talk to you.”
I then realized I not only had to find a way but make a promise to all the amazing people trying to beat this destructive habit there is a way to make them whole again using the best healing channels possible. After much research and countless testing we have found the solution to help stop the pain and dependency of addiction. This is why I’ve created everything I’ve created, to help end this cycle of madness for others. The Good Dudes Grow movement, Pure Body Zen CBD products and Promises Innovtive Recovery are all part of my mission to impact the community, build a support network, and provide the guidance to aimed at substance abuse and drug addiction to help others avoid this unnecessary pain and suffering.
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